

Over the course of the last decade, I've published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers' compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

I Got Hurt At Work. Do I Have A Personal Injury Case, Too?

An employee who sustains an accidental injury arising out of his or her employment is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.  These are typically wage loss payments and medical expenses. The nature of workers’ compensation cases is explored and discussed elsewhere on this site. The thorough Baltimore personal injury lawyer will always explore a possible “third-party” component to any... Read more »

Worker’s Compensation – Injured at Work

An employee who sustains an accidental injury arising out of his or her employment is entitled to worker’s compensation benefits.  The law defines these elements in general terms that are construed in favor of the injured, or purportedly injured, worker. As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. “Arising out of” employment means that the injury... Read more »

If I Was Hurt On the Job, What Benefits Do I Get?

Any employee who sustains an accidental injury in the scope and course of their employment is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Benefits are payable regardless of fault, i.e. the employee does not have to prove the employer was negligent or “at fault” for the injury, As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. The history of the... Read more »

Am I entitled to medical treatment if I’m hurt at work?

When hurt at work, one is entitled to, at a minimum, wage loss and medical are. Certainly that includes evaluation, and treatment if necessary by a medical professional. injured workers are entitled to receive surgical, and other such care an attendance as required by the process of recuperation and the nature of their injury, Services like... Read more »

What does it mean to be hurt at work? When do you get Workers’ Compensation?

Maryland worker’s compensation law  provides benefits for employees who sustain an accidental injury in the scope and course of their employment. The scope and course of employment aspect is satisfied if the accident occurs while the person is working, or performing a task related to the work. [MPJA 30:6]. An accident is something unexpected, i.e an unanticipated... Read more »

Scope and Course of Employment: What is the coming and going rule?

Experienced personal injury lawyers in Baltimore regularly obtain benefits for clients who’ve had an accidental injury in the scope and course of their employment. In these instances, a hearing will take place before the Workers’ Compensation Commission. At the hearing, the lawyer who the insurance company has hired to contest the claim will ask the... Read more »

What is an Occupational Disease Under Maryland Workers’ Compensation Law? My Job Caused Me to Get Sick.

Many Baltimore personal injury lawyers routinely secure worker’s compensation benefits for their clients. Those lawyers know that an ….”occupational disease” is a disease, contracted by an employee in the scope and course of employment that temporarily or permanently disables the employee. To be entitled to worker’s compensation benefits under the law, the injured worker must... Read more »

If I Got Injured At Work, Am I Limited Only To Worker’s Compensation Benefits Only?

Many personal injuries and accident lawyers Attorney Eric T. Kirk in Baltimore, MD will quickly tell you that means you have a worker’s compensation case -and that is it. Generally speaking, if you are hurt while on the job, even if the injury occurs through the fault of your employer, your employer must provide you... Read more »

Can I Sue the Manufacturer of A Tool or Machine that Hurt Me at Work?

We’ve discussed in another guide the concept of products liability, where an unreasonably dangerous or defective product injures an individual, that person may retain a personal injury and accident lawyer to sue the manufacturer of that product, or possibly the distributor. The concept applies in connection with work-related injuries as well. As Attorney Eric T. Kirk... Read more »

If I Slip, Trip or Fall At Work, Can I Sue The Owner of the Property?

There are several guides discussing the concept of premises liability. The law in this area sounds straightforward, but can be enormously complex in its application.  The owner or manager of real property has a duty to protect visitors to that property from dangerous or defective conditions of which they know, or should know. As Attorney Eric T.... Read more »

The Medicare Set Aside

In another volume, I set out some generalities about “Medicare set asides”. In a worker’s compensation settlement, the insurance carrier may insist that funds be “set aside” for purposes of future medical care for a worker’s compensation injury. As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you. Indeed, the injured worker, his or her attorney, the WCC,... Read more »

What if My Employer Won’t File My Worker’s Compensation Claim?

Any Maryland worker who has sustained a personal injury on the job, and sought worker’s compensation benefits, knows that there some hardworking, honest employers and responsive and responsible insurance carriers out there. These folks , follow the law, timely report injuries, make sure the injured person has immediate medical care,voluntarily pay compensation, and deliver subsequent medical care to... Read more »

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