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What You Need To Know About Reckless Driving

Speeding Ticket Attorney

As a speeding ticket attorney like our friends at Rispoli & Borneo P.C. can explain, speeding and reckless driving are similar, but very different. You may have heard the terms used before, but it’s important to do a compare and contrast so you understand the charges you’re facing.

Read on to learn more about speeding vs. reckless driving, and see how a lawyer can help you fight back.

What counts as speeding?

Speeding is exceeding the speed limit. This explanation is pretty straightforward, but there are still some myths that need dispelling. You may have heard that you can speed by three, five, or even 10 miles an hour over the posted limit without receiving a ticket, but unfortunately, this is false.

The reality is that police officers can issue a speeding ticket even if you’re going one mile an hour over the posted limit. Speeding is speeding, full stop – and just because everyone else around you is speeding, doesn’t mean you should be speeding too.

In terms of punishment, speeding typically results in a fine. While this can be a little inconvenient on your wallet, the real inconvenience lies in the increased price of insurance while you have a mark on your record. Speeding tickets can stay on your driving record for up to five years in New Jersey, so it’s important to consider fighting back against your ticket if you can.

What counts as reckless driving?

Reckless driving is more severe than speeding, although it may involve speeding as part of the equation. In New Jersey, exceeding the speed limit by 30 miles an hour means you could face a reckless driving charge instead of a simple speeding ticket. However, there are many other examples of reckless driving.

Think of reckless driving as “any action taken behind the wheel that can endanger the lives of others on the road”. Reckless driving includes racing, unsafely passing, and even driving improperly for the present road conditions. If you’re speeding and it’s snowing, you could end up with a reckless driving charge.

Unlike a speeding ticket, a reckless driving charge is a misdemeanor. This means more than just a fine. Reckless driving charges can result in jail time, a suspended license, and more. You’ll have to appear in court, so you should look into an attorney who can help you fight your charges.

Why should I contact an attorney?

Even if you’re just dealing with a speeding ticket, it’s worth contacting an attorney. Most people don’t have the time to read up on the traffic laws to fight against their charges in court, nor do they have the legal know-how to navigate the paperwork that comes with their case. Fortunately, an attorney can provide valuable knowledge and experience.

Having an experienced legal team at your back means you won’t have to read up on New Jersey traffic laws by yourself. A qualified attorney can help you fight back against your charges, whether it’s a minor speeding ticket or a more serious reckless driving case. A legal professional on your side means you can focus on living your life while your attorney does the legwork.

Don’t hesitate to fight back against your speeding or reckless driving charges. Get in touch with an attorney today.