Can You Turn Right From The Middle Lane?
It is illegal, and negligent, to take away the right of way from another vehicle that lawfully possesses that right of way. Experienced Baltimore personal injury lawyers have likely litigated cases where a driver makes a right turn, and “cuts off” another driver. I’ Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you.
The Md. Transportation code requires that a right turn be made as nearly as possible to the right-hand edge of the road.
If there is a through lane and a parking/travel lane with no cars, a driver is almost certainly going to be required to turn from the far right a parking/travel lane. A frequently recurring situation involves one driver “going around” a car, or bus, in the far right lane, in order to make a right turn, at the same time the car, or bus, already in the lane begins to move forward. That driver turning right from the middle lane, or a lane other than the far right is always going to be found to have caused or contributed to the accident.