

Over the course of the last decade, I've published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers' compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

Can An Insurance Company Put Used Parts in My Car?

Can An Insurance Company Put Used Parts in My Car?

Although it’s not directly related to the value of the injury component of a personal claim, Baltimore personal injury lawyers know the amount an injury victim gets for the damage to their vehicle is certainly a component of the overall value of the claim- although there is no scientific or medical evidence that supports this correlation. We discuss in other chapters some of the issues involved [e.g. a diminished value claim]  It is permissible for a repair facility to use second-hand parts, and many do. Did you know that if an insurer uses second hand ‘aftermarket’ parts, you are entitled to a copy of the warranty for those parts? You are also entitled to know if the repair shop is using genuine/OEM or aftermarket parts.  Commercial Law Article, Section 14-2302 – Information to be given owner. Many personal injury lawyers in Baltimore are don’t handle property damage only claims. I attorney Eric T. Kirk evaluate those claims on a case by case basis, and if it makes financial sense for the involved parties, handle the case. I always provide guidance as applicable for my injury client’s property damage recover, on request, as an ancillary service to them, at no cost.

I’ve made a career of battling insurance companies, to ensure fair compensation for those I represent. I’d be happy to take a complimentary look at your claim and offer my opinions and advice. Feel free to contact me today to schedule a discussion.