

Over the course of the last decade, I've published in excess of 700 articles in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, workers' compensation and insurance disputes, generally. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact me to discuss the details of your case and learn how I can help.

The Medicare Set Aside

In another volume, I set out some generalities about “Medicare set asides”. In a worker’s compensation settlement, the insurance carrier may insist that funds be “set aside” for purposes of future medical care for a worker’s compensation injury. As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you.

The Medicare Set Aside

Indeed, the injured worker, his or her attorney, the WCC, or all four may want to create such a fund. While Medicare says it does not even review relatively small settlements of less than $250,000 for younger individuals not on Medicare, personal injury and accident lawyers in Baltimore MD that do the work know the reality is quite different. The premise for the concept is to prevent Medicare abuse [e.g. settling a workers’ compensation case, applying for social security, and letting Medicare pay for the workers’ compensation case down the road]. We all pay taxes, so we can all agree this is a good thing. Personal injury and accident lawyers in Baltimore MD have seen the reality faced by many relatively young injured workers is that a carrier will only settle their case with them, so long as a substantial portion, sometimes all, is “set aside” to be used, if at all, only for future medical care.

I’ve handled thousands of personal injury cases in Maryland New York in Florida. These cases are complex enough without the intrusion of federal regulation and oversight on every settlement. I extend a complimentary case analysis and opinion about their legal case to those that consult with me. Please call me today to arrange a meeting.