What if My Employer Won’t File My Worker’s Compensation Claim?
Any Maryland worker who has sustained a personal injury on the job, and sought worker’s compensation benefits, knows that there some hardworking, honest employers and responsive and responsible insurance carriers out there. These folks , follow the law, timely report injuries, make sure the injured person has immediate medical care,voluntarily pay compensation, and deliver subsequent medical care to the injured worker.Then there is everyone else.
That is where I come in. You should contact me without delay.
These are the employers that fail or refuse to report legitimate personal injuries occurring on the job. These are the carriers that deny claims without any rational basis, and deny needed benefits to the injured worker. In theory, workers’ compensation benefits are supposed to be delivered in a self-executing system- providing needed medical care and wage loss benefits to the injured individual. I caution you that this theory is one that frequently does not apply in practice. We have a worker’s compensation commission that hears thousands of cases a week specifically because worker’s compensation benefits are frequently denied and often delayed.
The reality is hiring a lawyer in any worker’s compensation claim is essential. I do not believe you will receive the full package of benefits to which you are entitled without a worker’s compensation attorney.
I Attorney Eric T. Kirk have handled hundreds of workers’ compensation cases over the course of the last 25 plus years. I’m constantly amazed by the number of injured workers who must employ a lawyer simply to get the benefits they are entitled to under the law, and which should be automatically provided. I’ve found that insurance companies frequently fail to tell injured workers of the full array of benefits to which they are entitled.