When Do I Need to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?
A top personal injury lawyer is your zealous advocate when an insurance company denies you vital compensation due to an injury. When there are great losses at stake, and significant compensation due, you may be committing an irreversible error if you try to present your claim alone. It may be wise to hire a personal injury lawyer. Obviously, as a personal injury and accident attorney for the last 25 years, there are those who will see this as nothing more than a self-serving statement. But this is more than a glazier throwing rocks at windows. Over the course of my career who either don’t hire an lawyer, or wait to long to hire a lawyer, and are at a disadvantage as a result. Here are a few key situations where it is important to hire legal help: As Attorney Eric T. Kirk will tell you.
You have sustained severe injuries that have:
- prevented you from working (i.e. lost wages)
- a long recovery time, interrupting your life
- left you temporarily or permanently disabled
- resulted in large medical bills
- An Insurance company disputing liability
- An Insurance company refusing to pay, or failing to make a reasonable offer.
Though you can try to file a personal injury claim alone, this route is not the best if you have severe injuries, have incurred significant lost wages or overwhelming medical bills. Litigation is expensive. Trying to save money on legal fees can actually cost you more in the long run by not knowing all the laws that can help you acquire the full compensation you need, giving you the best possible financial outcome. Moreover, most attorneys, and I am one, handle injury matters on a contingent fee arrangement, where the client pays nothing up front or out of pocket, and nothing at all if the case is lost. Moreover, I extend a reduced attorney fee program to Maryland accident victims. .
Insurance companies, to be sure, will have their own lawyers. The insurance industry as a whole employs skilled counsel, many of whom in turn have spent their career arguing to judges and juries that plaintiffs are not injured, or not badly injured, or have accumulated huge medical expenses for the sake of bolstering their claim. They are highly effective advocates. You need your own equally skilled representative to go head-to-head with them.
- Baltimore Personal Injury Trial Lawyer Eric T. Kirk
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A Baltimore car accident and personal injury litigator who has taken hundreds of cases to trial in Maryland, New York and Florida, recovering millions over a 30-year mission to obtain denied compensation for his clients.